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Heather Gibbons – This Living Land Exhibition

This Living Land showcases images reflecting the diversity of Colour, Mood and Atmosphere inspired by Purbeck Places. Heather will be working on site most days during this exhibition which precedes a new painting course with dates still to be confirmed.  Please contact us for details, join our mailing list (see foot of page) or ask during the exhibition.

There will be a discussion of the work and working practice between Heather and Sandy Hill Arts trustee Melissa Viney at 6.30pm on 23rd March.

Heather Gibbons – In My Own Way

Moving the paint about, enjoying the sensations of colour whilst exploring the possibilities of textures provided through the medium. Working with oils provides me opportunities with a certain freedom to use the paint as I want….making changes, taking visual risks as the work evolves.

The land shapes and coastline of Purbeck are my inspiration. Unpredictable weather moods through the changing seasons which evoke diversity of atmosphere, pattern, line and texture.

From initial drawings made on site, I will often re-invent my surroundings, taking certain shapes from memory to fuse together with reality. This to me is part of the journey of discovery.

“It is not the goal which is of interest but the means by which to achieve it.” Georges Braque.