Mica Sinclair Residency

Mica Sinclair is a musical storyteller who Sandy Hill Arts welcomed for a residency in February. She spent four days working on her storytelling show ‘Spider Woman- Unravelling Wonder.’ This is the second show that Mica has written and she spent the days walking in the woods, by the ocean and at Sandy Hill Arts, listening and finding the threads that weave the story together.

At the end of the four days, Mica performed her work in progress- still with only half the story in place- all wonderfully off the cuff and in the moment. It was such a privilege to watch the process of story creating unfolding. The audience loved it !

Mica will be performing the completed version at the wardrobe theatre in Bristol on the 9th March and hopes to see you there!

Sandy Hill Arts welcomes applications for future residencies from artists, makers, performers, musicians from any genre or medium. Contact us at info@sandyhillarts.co.uk for more information.