John Hegley – Drawing Workshop – PAWF
Join John Hegley for a workshop to get those creative juices flowing. Along with a mandolin, John brings to the table the experience performing to the mixed crowds of street entertainment and Glastonbury Poetry Tent alongside the rarefied atmosphere of the South Bank and stages in New Zealand, Columbia and Rotherham Central Library.
John’s workshop will have its own natural flow, which may include writing, drawing, shading, paper folding… and maybe some singing too. Do come with a folder of possible exercises involving trees, fish, ships, friendships, ships, armadillos, birds, biscuits and big footsteps…
Suitable for participants over 10 years old.
This workshop is part of our programme for Purbeck Arts Weeks Festival (PAW) 2023 – we have lots more on offer across the two weeks, from open studios to workshops, demonstrations, exhibitions and performance.