Abstract painting with Lizzie Brown – PAWF
A chance to free yourself from the tyranny of small brushes and tiny pieces of paper…
Join Sandy Hill artist Lizzie Brown during Purbeck Art Weeks Festival (PAW) to have fun painting huge colourful abstract paintings to brighten up our elderly chicken shed. Oh – and that’s painting with big mops!

Suitable for adults and younger families alike, but no unaccompanied children please.
There are four hour-long workshops on two days:
- 11am – 12, 31 May
- 2 – 3pm, 31 May
- 11am – 12, 3 June
- 2 – 3pm, 3 June
These workshops are free and no need to book – but donations towards the cost of materials welcomed.
This workshop is part of our programme for Purbeck Arts Weeks Festival 2023 – we have lots more on offer across the two weeks, from open studios to workshops, demonstrations, exhibitions and performance.